謝映慕 Rosanna Tse (NYMAC)
Ms. Rosanna Tse has always been interested in the ancient studies of Chinese fengshui and numerology. Not only is she eager to learn more, but she treats this unique traditional Chinese metaphysics culture with an objective and experimental approach.
With a twist of fate, Rosanna encountered Master Chung in Hong Kong, the president of Hong Kong Metaphysics and Astrology Center. She has since comprehensively studied “Xuan Kong (time/space) Flying Star Fengshui”, “Xuan Kong (time/space) Grand Trigrams“, “Plum Blossom Trigrams Divination”, “ Face Reading” “Date Picking” and “Eight Words Numerology”. She persistently continues to practically apply her studies to test the theories of metaphysics and numerology.
The New York Branch of Hong Kong Metaphysics and Astrology Center was officially established in 2012, where she currently resides as the officer. The purpose of this branch is to follow the same metaphysic philosophies taught by Master Chung to eliminate any superstitions and stigmas attached to the studies and to spread the ancient Chinese metaphysics teachings, concepts and philosophies.
2021 辛丑牛年飛星風水佈局(國語版) ~ 謝映慕師傅 (NYMAC)
轉眼間 (2021辛丑牛年) 已來臨,隨著新年的到來,謝映慕師傅 Rosanna Tse為各位觀眾朋友,精心提供(2021辛丑牛年開運風水佈局),希望大家全年順景,全年如意。 (備註:辛丑牛年開運風水佈局,亦可到ONTV 網上電視專頁: www.facebook.com/ontv.hk瀏覽) 更多精彩內節目及內容,請瀏覽ONTV 網上電視 www.ontv.hk,鍾亦禮師傅及林佑姿師傅會詳盡分析,香港各區樓盤/屋苑的風水;並且提供紫微斗數、八字命理、面相掌相、以及擇日用事的資訊及秘技,與讀者及觀眾們一同分享玄學的趣味。
中國香港電話: (852) 8104 2688
ONTV.hk 網上電視:www.ontv.hk
ONTV.hk 網上電視專頁:www.facebook.com/ontv.hk
New York Metaphysics
& Astrology Center:
Rosanna email: rosannatse888@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/rosanna888/ http://www.ontv.hk Hong Kong Tel: (852) 8104 2688